Garden of Petals

A vibrant bouquet of flowers bursting with color, like a canvas painted by nature’s hand. Each blossom dances in the sunlight, a kaleidoscope of joy and beauty. This vibrant bouquet brightens anyone’s day.

Each creation bears the unique signature of the flower mix of the day, the tonalities remain in the powerful colors.


We are also happy to include a handwritten card with a personal text.


This bouquet is a wonderful colorful gift for sunny and rainy days!


These flowers last longer if they are placed in plenty of water and not next to fruit. In addition, they don’t like being in a draft. If they stay cool overnight and out of the sun during the day, they will give you even longer pleasure. Depending on the season, availability and quality, not all flowers are from Switzerland.


Your bouquet will be beautifully and safely packaged in our ecological grass paper. In Zurich and the surrounding area, we deliver ourselves or with our bike courier. We send the flowers overnight by post throughout Switzerland.
